Sunday, November 20, 2011

7: The problem of the walkway

As a good deed to enable Thomson Garden Estate residents to have easy access to Shunfu Mart, the former MP for Thomson Mr Leong Horn Kee built a walkway from Jalan Isnin down the slope towards Shunfu Mart.
Recently, because Shunfu Ville is considering taking up an offer via an enbloc sale. it has plans to remove the walkway which allegedly encroaches on a portion of their estate.

6: Redevelopment by neighbours

In the 90s, many new residents began moving into Thomson Garden Estate, bringing with them renovation plans to redevelop their properties.
One such neighbour was mine, redeveloping his house into a 3-storied house with roof garden.
Without permission, his contractor put up scaffolding to access his building. The heavy scaffolding which he put on my roof caused my roof to leak.Till today, the problem of the leaks which stained and damaged my bedroom ceilings have not been resolved.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

5: We moved to Jalan Isnin

Our third home in Thomson is in Jalan Isnin, Thomson Garden Estate, having moved there in late 1987.

One happy event that we like to host in Jalan Isnin is that of Advent in which we celebrate Christmas.

4: Guests @ Jalan Chempah

At Jalan Chempah, we entertained guests from SEAMEO countries who were scholarship recipients of the RELC awards. They hailed from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

3: My second home in Thomson

My second home in Thomson was when we moved to Jalan Chempah in Thomson Garden Estate in 1965.
(Photos above & below taken in 1969 with Jalan Pintau Playground behind.)
And in 1970, our third child was born.
Our growing children spent happy days @ Jalan Chempah.

2: My first home in Thomson

My first home in Thomson was located in Sembawang Hills Estate. Here's a photo of us ( my wife, my mother, my baby daughter and me in 1962) posing outside our house at Jalan Chengam.

1: Why this blog?

The purpose of this blog is to document some of the memories I have of this bit of Singapore that I live in since the 1960s. And that's a long time - half a century, 50 over years!