Monday, November 26, 2012

11: Shunfuville Signboard - Sun 25 Nov 12

It was Sunday morning when Mr Tee went to Albert's gate and called him out to see the signborad put up by Shunfuville. When both of them were approaching the walkway at the end of Jalan Isnin, they saw their Grassroots Adviser MOS Mrs Josephine Teo doing her round of the estate accompanied by her entourage of Shunfu-Thomson Garden neighbourhood committee members. When Mr Tee asked her whether she was aware of the signboard, she said she wasn't. Fair enough, I wasn't too until Mr Tee informed me about it. In case you've not seen the signboard, here it is.
The question is: What will the Shunfuville people be doing next?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10: Another Renovation Exercise

Looks like the renovation of my neighbour's house is coming on stream. This was the house whose contractor damaged my roof in the last renovation. Now the new owner, experiencing leaks in the building, is starting to have them mended.

The neighbours and their contractor say they are going to repair the leaks to my bedroom ceiling. Hope they will do a good job.

Monday, March 19, 2012

8: MP's Promise to Help in the Walkway Dilemma

Concerned residents have approached the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC MPs Hri Kumar and Mrs Josephine LM Teo for help to resolve the crisis but no win-win solution seems attainable as the Shunfu Ville enbloc project chugs on.
However, a silver-lining seems to appear with GrassRoots Adviser making a promise in her recent speech at a Thomson Residents' event.
Here's a brief video of it.