Sunday, November 20, 2011

6: Redevelopment by neighbours

In the 90s, many new residents began moving into Thomson Garden Estate, bringing with them renovation plans to redevelop their properties.
One such neighbour was mine, redeveloping his house into a 3-storied house with roof garden.
Without permission, his contractor put up scaffolding to access his building. The heavy scaffolding which he put on my roof caused my roof to leak.Till today, the problem of the leaks which stained and damaged my bedroom ceilings have not been resolved.


  1. That’s quite a mess! I do hope you stand up for your rights. Having a damaged roof is pretty frustrating when the rainy season comes. Leaks can actually create moisture and let mold thrive inside our house. It can also attract mosquitoes that can be dangerous to our health.
    - Lino Kosters

  2. I think that’s not how to renovate your home especially when you know that you have neighbors that can be affected by your redo. Well, I hope you took the right action against your neighbor and I hope they paid for your roof repairs. I hope you can update me about this situation. :)

    -Kemberly Loyd-
